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For some women Breaking the Glass Ceiling is succeeding in a male dominated industry, thriving in an unfamiliar culture, or ascending above her accepted role.  For Maria Mercedes Diaz Garcia- it is all of these things.

Of the 103 high budget orchestras in the US, only 12 are female.  Of the 22 highest budget orchestras in the US, only 1 is a female.

Maria Mercedes Diaz Garcia is a professional conductor who holds degrees in conducting and in both oboe and piano.  An experienced conductor with appearances throughout Europe and the Americas, she is a dynamic, passionate performer with a broad repertoire and a passion for new music, having premiered many new works.

Mercedes is originally from Spain and received her Master of Music in Orchestral Conducting from Bard College in New York, her Master of Music in Orchestral Conducting from the University of Cincinnati Ohio, and is pursuing her Doctor of Musical Arts in Contemporary Music. ABD from Bowling Green State University.

Not only is she succeeding in a male dominated industry, she is thriving in an unfamiliar culture, and she is ascending above her accepted role.

We can’t wait to hear her empowering story!

The meeting will be at the Best Western in La Porte on Wednesday, March 6 from 11:30am to 1:00pm. Register Now!

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